Wednesday, December 16, 2015

finders keepers

teacher vs. student


pura vida

who am I?

This class has taught me more about myself. I have been able to express my feelings and opinions on certain topics.  I think we all have to think outside of the box to stand out and show people who we truly are. What I am most passionate about is making sure everyone is loved and has a friend. That's really important during teenage years because it can be rough. 
If you know me you know I love athletics, mostly tennis and running. I love Photography so I can capture memories and special moments. Exploring to different places with friends and family is always my favorite thing to do. I think seeing the world and different cultures is so important for everyone to experience and being able to serve.  I love the outdoors and cool places that I can ponder at and take in this amazing and gorgeous world. Never giving up is an important saying I keep in mind. 
I love all the opportunities I have experienced and thinking of the future is so exciting. I love knowing that everyone in my life is here for a reason and is making me who I am today. All of this is what makes me, me. 

And who is Audrey June?.....

It is me, Madeline Glasgow

thinking of music

Music is the sound in my ears that I never want to leave. it's the memories that come rushing back reminding me about all those old times.  It's the changing of moods depending what you're listening to. It's the emotion that comes out of you to show people how you feel. It's the location where you are or where you are going. It's what you listen to so that you forget about things. Music can control your mind, of what you're thinking or feeling. It's the power or flow. It all blends and sounds good, just like life.